the lord of the flies was a beautiful, deep book with an astonishing amount of stuff and symbolism that it conveys. it has the different characters symbolize different aspects of human life and nature. it talks about the beast in all of us and how we must live with it “he felt himself facing something ungraspable” (Golding, 36). this talks about how there isn't a physical best. there isn’t something you can hunt and kill, because its in all of us. the book speaks about things such as religion. “a place where more sunshine fell” (Golding, 55) talks about this place that Simon, a religious figure, goes to that is lighter than the rest of the forest to meditate. this place holds many religious symbols such as rugs and candles and other such things. it also has the violent aspects of human nature as conveyed in characters such as Roger and Jack. Roger is a dark character that lives in the shadows and lives for darkness. “ Roger led the way straight through the castles, kicking them over” (Golding, 59) though kicking over sand castles doesn’t seem like that harmful of an act, it is done from the darkness in Rogers heart as he enjoys seeing the childrens pain as he kicks sand in their eyes. the book is saturated with deep symbols and stuff about human nature it is astounding.