Monday, March 10, 2014

cantos 19-30

the continuing of the presentations has been interesting. its strange to see the sins change to different themes though it doesn't really seem like the punishments are getting much worse, and it doesn't seem like the sins are either. it seems like it should get worse as you go down but it doesn't seem that way at all. all of the sins and punishments are terrible, but i cant see one as being much worse than another. one change that i am seeing is that the sins seem to be getting more creative. i dont think i have the creativity to come up with some of these things.

Canto 20 with the magicians seems interesting to me. i never thought magic to be a sin. i always saw it as a form of entertainment, as good as any other. and i don't think that it should ever be a sin to want to learn more like the astrologers. i think thats a good part of human nature that should be fed, because thats how we grow as a people. so the fact that that was a sin seemed a bit backwards to me, a little like their heads. the creativity of having their heads turned around seemed fascinating as well. i most certainly never would have thought of that. i also thought it to be strange that there was only one canto with being cut as a sin. it seems like half the punishments are burning, and i feel like being cut and burning are equally as popular. maybe this is just my own belief, but i thought there was a bit too much burning and not enough variety in other punishments.

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